Yale Class of 1968 -- Statements by Classmates on Oil Dependency

George W.
Declaration of Dependence ==>

(...and its historical
background, dating back to 1945 -- the year before most of us were born.)

President Bush's Rejection by Saudi Arabia
17 May 2008

NYTimes 4 June Editorial:
"The Science of Denial"
on the Bush administration's
approach toward climate science

In short, our whole lives have unfolded within the brief 'oil era' in world history. This is the only way of life we have ever known, and we find it difficult to imagine anything else. But all this is going to change -- and perhaps very quickly.

As it turns out, some of our classmates have seen this problem coming for decades.

Consider, for example:
Dan Yergin's
analytic insights in
1979 & 2006 & 2008


"Blood and Oil - A Declaration of Dependence,"
YouTube, (22 April 2008).